Rainbow baby, sch, bleeding and outcome


Hi all

9 weeks and 1.day so far.

This baby will have a nice little story to tell.

This baby is my beautiful rainbow baby after a misscarriage in December.

We weren't ready to get pregnant so soon so after the little accident Ive taken the emergency pill

That didn't work so I was pregnant but my doctor thought my symptoms were caused by the pill.

After finding out the pill failed was sent to early pregnancy for a scan and make sure the pregnancy was there.

And there it was the little sac.

After 2.weeks another scan and there is my little baby and the heart 😍😍

But....the doctor found a sch, told me it can either be absorbed or come out with some bleeding.

After few days had my first brown spotting, then 1.week later heavy bleeding so heavy that I stopped using this app thinking that was it.

I felt guilty for taking that stupid pill and causing this I was blaming my self and feeling down . I couldn't barely the thought of another miss carriage.

Went to A&E they refused to do another scan as I had mine booked within a week (2weeks from the previous)

She checked me internally and my cervix was closed so no sign of me missacrraging.

But she could not tell me if everything was going to be ok or not...so waiting game started.

Well yesterday had my scan. There my baby was laying down and growing little arms and legs already.

The relief, the joy... It was amazing

My SCH is now as small as 5mm. I kept on bleeding in the afternoon but the doctor is positive and said should stop soon.

So if you do have a bleeding Dont despare. I have read so much about if it is brown is ok. Bright red is not. Nahhh mine was a mix of one and the other.

I am so happy today.

Can't wait to have my baby is my arms... December here we come 😍