scared to go to the college campuses 😫

so im a sophomore in a community college in my town... i only do online classes BUT this fall , im going to the campus because there's no online classes for me to take unfortunately 😰so i heard stories about other colleges about shootings and stabbings and kidnappings , i'm scared to go now , what if there's a guy that will come kill me or something?! idk my head is just going crazy and i'm putting negative energy into my brain 😭 i just have a weird fear about colleges and schools , shootings and stufff ugh how do i just take it out of my head and know i'll be fine?😕🙏🙏 i pray a lot so i know if i die i'll go to heaven because i'm religious ... but someone please tell me illl be okay on the college campus?? 🙏😰😭 im only going tuesday thursday and fridays so not all the week i'll be there....