Early Mother's day gift


So, i usually do not get anything for mother's day from hubby. He is usually always working around that time, and unable to get to the store alone. He did make me a card or two over the years. Plus, I hate when money is spent on me, and can never give him any idea of what to get me.

Well, last year, late summer, when i was pregnant with the son we lost, i had seen the harmony music ball necklaces. I really liked them, but never decided to get one. This year, i pulled them up again about 2 weeks ago. I told him, i would really like one for mother's day, and that he could pick out the design he wanted.

He indeed ordered one for me. I was expecting one of the elephant ones i saw (he LOVES elephants), but instead he got me this one. I have always talked about how i think the little boy we lost, gave us this little girl, and is protecting her.

So, he got me this one, the Angel wings represent our lost son, holding onto our little girl. I love it SO MUCH!