really confused and worried please help :( so many +opks

Hi ladies! I guess I should start off by saying my husband and I have been trying about 6 months and I'm 32 years old. I have been using opks and pre seed. Recently starting temping. I felt this cycle was wierd.. in that I only got one blinking smiley prior to my full on smiley. Long story short I had a plain smiley 9 days ago. This past Saturday hubby and I went to a cinco de mayo party had fun and when we got home we was all over me.. we had sex then and then Sunday (yesterday he was all over me too) usually he isn't that drawn to me so I took opk just out of curiosity.. blazing positive yesterday and today! How is this possible? I already had a positive 9 days ago. I took a preg test it was negative. My temp dipped almost a whole degree this morning and I'm getting a lot of egg white Cm. This is all very out of my norm. Today is cycle day 25! I have cycles that range 27-32 days. Has this happened to anyone?