Six toes!

Kayelee • Paisley Ann 💖 9/18/17 Piper Rae 💖 12/28/18
I was born with six toes on my left foot, all fully developed. On my right foot the 4th and 5th toes are webbed together, but the 5th toe has two bones and two toenails, so was going to be six also, just didn't separate. I'm the ONLY one on both sides of my family as far back as we can trace. Friday we had our 20 week ultrasound, and it looks like our little Paisley Ann might have six toes on both feet! Another ultrasound on the 31st will tell us for sure, but out of four of us in the room, two being techs, all four of us were clearly counting six!! It is a struggle, but if she does, I'm happy she won't feel like an outsider being the only one born with it. I've got you baby girl!! 💕💕💕