Fiance's Parents 😩

N • Beautiful Nikolai born 12/29/17 👶💙 Lucca born 1/13/21🌻 In love and feeling myself 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

We're struggling with the idea of telling them that I am expecting. My family is on board and so excited but his family is so different.

They had him and his brother when they were both about 40 and even then, she talks about her children as if they were an inconvenience. We discussed the idea of children at a family dinner a few months back and she exploded and spent an hour telling us all the reasons why children are not easy/fun/nice to have. It was incredibly unpleasant and it really put the impression on us that they highly disapprove of us potentially concieving.

I'd love their support and I really think his parents are nice people but quite frankly I'm already somewhat stressed and I don't want this to be a shitstorm. Has anyone had/are currently having a similar situation and how did it go. When did you tell them?

I'm aware that we can't hide it forever for obvious reasons but oh boy, they set this up to be so incredibly unpleasant. They can either be happy and excited or they don't need to be apart of it. We want our little one only surrounded by people who love them.