the scariest moment of my life

Hi guys the scariest thing just happened to me and I just needed to get it off my chest. Just an hour ago I went upstairs to my room to get something when all of a sudden I hear a shriek and my brother is yelling for me to hurry down stairs (I have three little siblings). I came running down as fast as I could to see my mother in the kitchen with a VERY red face and pointing to her throat. She was breathing enough to say she was choking, but very little air was getting to her lungs. I tried to do some sort of CPR, but I didn't know what I was doing and realized it wasn't helping at all. I then proceeded to call 911 trying to remain as calm as I could so not to freak out my little siblings. My mother's face was getting more red and I was getting more terrified. 911 transfered my call to the paramedics and the phone was ringing. The moment the calm man answered the phone my mother gave a huge cough and managed to get the piece of food down her throat. She reassured me that she was ok and I explained what happened to the paramedic. Thank G-d she's ok! I just needed to write that all out as it was probably the scariest moment in my whole life. Thanks for listening! ❤️