What do you call your step children?

I absolutely adore my fiancées daughters (one is 2 the other 6) but I don't know what to call them once we are married or even where we are now in our relationship. They call me Sarah but they are equally fond of me which I am blessed to say. I hate the stigma around the word "step-" because I treat them as my own and love them as my own but don't want to step on any toes or cross any lines when things like introducing the kids come up. Now my mother remarried and I do refer to her husband as my step dad and his kids as step siblings but I was 14 when they married and it wasn't a happy ending to my parents marriage. At the same time I don't like saying they are my step kids, or financées kids but i would like to just say these are our daughters... what does anybody else do or say?