Easing into sleep training

Anyone else thinking about sleep training soon but are nervous to do so?  My son sleeps well at night only waking one, maybe two times to eat.  He does wake at other times occasionally but cries for a minute or two and falls back to sleep.  My problem is he still requires help to fall asleep, usually me rocking or holding him.  And his napping sucks.  He usually wakes after 30-40 minutes and is super cranky unless I rock him back to sleep and hold him for an additional 30 minutes or so. 
Just this week we've transitioned out of the swaddle into a sleep sack and he has started to self soothe by sucking his hands.  I didn't want to even attempt sleep training until he could do this.  The last three nights I've put him down drowsy but awake.  He looks around and sucks his hands for a couple minutes but then starts fuss crying.  I go to him then (about 10 mins total, 3 or so of fussing) and then rock him to sleep.  I don't feel like we're ready to go all out!  Plus we are moving next week so everything is going to be chaotic anyway.  I don't know if it will be helpful but I feel like easing him into it by getting used to being put down drowsy might help even if I'm still helping him fall asleep at this point.