Blighted Ovum

So My fiancé and I had to go have blood drawn to see where were my levels were . We have been trying for a little over a year ago and we just found out I was pregnant , so I went did the blood work. My OBGYN called and asked to come back in a week due to the levels being low for me being 6 weeks . We had blood drawn for a second time and then got a phone call that they wanted me to come in and have a internal ultra sound . Right away I knew something wasn't right , we found out that inside was a sac but no baby. My doctor wanted to bring me back in one week hoping that there may end up being a heartbeat . But not even 2 hours I started bleeding, and by day two of the bleeding I had passed the little sac . My heart is crushed , they reassured me I can try again in 3 months but could this possibly be our next out come ? Can my heart handle it again ?