
I don't mean to complain or sound ungrateful for my SO  because that's not the case. I love him and he's my best friend.  Today I sent him this cute little paragraph about how I appreciate and love him because our plans fell through for tonight and I didn't get to see him. (We don't live together) and his response to what I said to him was "I've heard it before, but love ya too❤️" I didn't even answer back to him, because he knows I've been having a really bad week and I've been really stressed and not feeling well (spinal meningitis) and that's all he said back. He didn't even act like he cared. And I did all I could to try and make his day better. I just feel unappreciated, I don't even know if that's the right word. Anyways, after this happened I just ignored him for a little while and cried. I don't know why, I just cried. I'm stressed, tired, and I feel so unappreciated. I'm sorry for ranting but, I just needed to tell someone and sometimes in life it feels like you're all alone, so I thought maybe I could get some encouraging words from the ladies on here