Pregnant or not?

I don't even know where to start. My husband and I are on hard times lately. We live with my parents, which I am so thankful for, but it's cramped. Husband is laid off and unemployment has run out. As well as our health insurance has run out. Meaning I no longer have any birth control. I was on the NuvaRing for many years (10+). Last month was my last "round" of it. So I've been flying solo since. 
He is 12 years older than me and has a son from his first marriage who will be 22 this month. I'm 28. My stepson has a daughter who is 3 years old. I wouldn't be honest in saying that I was a bit hurt and jealous when he and his girlfriend at the time became pregnant. I love my granddaughter. That's not it at all. I'm just wondering when is it my time? Hubby said he didn't want kids after his son, but since the arrival of GD he has changed his mind. Which I LOVE. However living situation is not so good. 
NOW the real reason for this post.....sigh. Since I've been flying solo (no birth control) I am supposed to get my period this week. Like start yesterday (5/8). It didn't come. I know it's still early and stress doesn't ever help. But I'm stressing out!!! I have a test I could take but I'm honestly terrified to. It's the worry of the financial part of being pregnant, then delivering, and of course raising a child!! Financially I can't see it happening. 
Am I just freaking out because of worry and my body has to get used to regular periods again? If the concenses is to test I will in the morning just to be sure. 
If I'm missing any information just ask. I need some reassurance. Or prayers. Or a shot. Or something! 🤷🏼‍♀️