Help! Only thing that can make me orgasm is vibration

Okay so I have been using something that vibrates on my clit since I can remember. Now that I know that a vibration is what makes me orgasm, no matter what a boy does I never orgasm. He could give me the best head on the planet, and nothing will happen. I can't orgasm when we have actual sex either! I have given up. He comes every single time. and I'm super jealous, wishing that I knew what it was like to have someone make you orgasm other than yourself. Trust me, I know he's putting in work. He is very experienced and he's very good at what he does because i have been with others that don't know what they are doing. I've been with him for almost a year now, which is ironic because I actually lost my virginity to him about 5-6 years ago😂 and the boy I was with before I got back with this boy, I was with for 3 years (a violent, lying, cheating some of a bitch). The craziest part is that he has his tongue pierced and he bought a vibrating tongue ring just to play around because he loves to experiment. I STILL COULDNT ORGASM. Please help 😕 Does anyone els have this problem?