scared af?

Okay so I know this is probably just me being paranoid but, about a month ago
on April 1st my bf and I had sex and used a condom, and he never came, and after we were done he noticed a small hole at the base of the condom. I took a plan b about 7-9 hours after just to be safe, and I got my period about 6 days later. Since then I've been on a no sex kinda mindset, and so we've only done oral things here and there (usually him fingering me, and me giving him a hand job or a bj). But we've always been careful to keep our hands clean because I'm kinda strict about that. Now my period was suppose to come on May 7th and it's about a day or so late, and I've had swollen and tender breasts, lower back pain, and light cramps for about a week but with no spotting. Usually I can like, "smell" my period coming too, but the scent will be there for about an hour and then dissappear. But I haven't had sex since my last period, so I should have nothing to worry about? And it's prob just stress making it late? Can plan B affect your next period after the one it causes??