Great News!!!!!💕

Elle • Mama to an angel 💕 praying for our rainbow!
About 12 weeks ago I posted (on my account I got locked out of :( lol ) requesting prayers and baby dust for my coworker who had been trying for a baby for two years. Well, today she is going in for her 8 week scan! She is over the moon and so am I, to finally see her so happy. She's a sweetheart and deserves this little baby! She was there for me when I miscarried 7 weeks ago and I'm just so happy that one of us is getting a sticky bean :) I know my time will come, but for now I get to enjoy watching her smile to herself all day because her deepest wish has finally come true ❤️ I can't wait to see this little baby! It has no idea just how special he/she is to its mama and no idea just how wonderful of a mama it's getting!