NEED ADVICE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning I woke up and walked into my husband masturbating while watching porn!!! The kids were sleeping and I was too but I woke up and just walk and found him doing that.... I am not surprised or making deal about the fact he did it but I am just so heartbroken because after our second baby (8 month-old) I'm been feeling very depressed and very ugly and fat and not happy with the way I look. Because of life and honestly me not feeling beautiful we have sex probably once a month! So I don't blame him for doing it but at the same time is it really all my fault??? At the end is his baby too... he says he loves me and I'm not and this and that but than why the necessity of masturbating while doing porn without mentioning that we had sex a week ago...

Long story short I'm crushed and heart broken after this. He made me feel like I'm not enough for him anymore, he says he loves me and blah blah but those are words...

I am very ashamed to share this here but I don't have anyone else to tell this.... I hope somebody can give me some advice and just listens to me I am just so hurt and now I feel more ugly and I'm just grossed out by the fact he did this!!!!!!!!!!!

Please don't judge me and hopefully I can find some support or advice... 😢😢

I also tried to talk to him and he said Sorry that he was just horny and he didn't want to wake me up and he just did it....