I think I MIGHT have been raped but I'm not sure.

Okay, so I think I might have been taped but I'm not sure. I was on a date with this guy recently. We were hanging out in his room, watching the office, playing music on the keyboard. It was an awesome time. We were also drinking. Now mind you, I'm not a big drinker and we drank quite a bit, but we were sharing so I'm really not sure how much I drank. But I was definitely drunk, in sure of that. Anyway, he seemed super nice and we started kissing. Okay, cool, I was down for some light making out. Really, I was. But I guess one thing lead to another. I know we had sex, but it's all really a blur. It's possible I might have said it was okay, but I was really was drunk and I actually can pretty clearly remember saying that to him. I'm not trying to make this out to be something it's not, and either way I don't plan to report it. I guess I'm asking if you guys think it's just a hookup I kind of regret, or if he raped me. Either way I have zero plans to see this guy again. Idk, ever since it happened I just haven't been feeling right/haven't been myself and I keep wondering if that counts. I think I just need an answer about this. 
I feel I should add that the whole night he kept pushing drinks on me. I didn't readinto it  because we planned to drink, but I'm pretty sure he was maybe buzzed, but not drunk. 
I'm not looking to press charges or anything like that. I really don't want to. It's just a confusing situation and I guess I'm just wondering what it'd be classified as. To me it feels like rape, but I don't want to be just throwing that term out there on myself if I'm wrong. 
Don't misinterpret my confusion for not being broken up about it. I've literally had several mental break downs over this in the past few days since. But one is able to be confused and very upset about something at the same time.