Whole jar

My 7 month old is fed 7 oz of formula every 4 hrs. So, he eats

7 am 7 oz,

11 am 7 oz, 1 pm 1/2 jar

3 pm 7 oz, 5 pm 1/2 jar

6:45 pm 7 oz.

But lately he wants a full jar and will keep opening his mouth for more and throw a fit if I don't give him more as if he's still hungry. Then after I fed him earlier he grabbed my bread and stuffed it in his mouth and said, "mmm" like he does after every bite of baby food. If he drank a bottle like 30 mom ago and sees a bottle he will cry for it and put his hands up. Maybe he just likes to eat for fun? He's not small at all but I've just started actively giving baby food. I have to distract him and bounce him to cslm him down because I'm pretty sure 1 jar 2 hr after a 7 oz bottle is enough but I could be wrong???