am I over reacting ?

So my BD works a lot and barely had time to think but it makes me moody and mad that whenever I have a doctors appointment he doesn't even ask how it was or if everything is ok w/the baby. Mind you in the beginning he said he didn't want the baby but as time went by he became more supportive & talks about it more often but it makes me sad when he asks me what I'm doing n I tell him I'm on my way or jst finish w/my appt I would expect Th father to ask how it went etc he jst says ok n talks about other stuff it pisses me off actually am I over reacting? Sometimes if I tell him I hav an appt Th next day he will say "let me know how it goes" but when I'm done from it he never asks anything about it It makes me think that he doesn't care he's done it almost everytime n iv tried to hold it in but today I told him how I felt n he said I'm sorry I was busy at work how was Th appt?😒 like no it's too late I'm not gonna answer something u should have asked on ur own smh