4 Follicles? IUI on Thursday

Staci • Just started, I am 33 and have been on Birth Control for 18 years. Let`s hope this works!! About to start IUI.
I went to my Dr. today and the sonogram showed 4 large follicules. Two in the left and two in the right. My left tube is completely blocked and cannot be repaired (they tried). The Dr said pending on my estrogen level he might not do it (<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>) this month since it's a higher rate of multiples. I am confused how estrogen tells him an answer, and if my left tube is blocked, wouldn't that negate those two follicules all together???? Any advise please! This is my first try at clomids, and wow did my homrmones get all outta wack!