Does anyone else have this problem or do i just have a bad relationship?

So im 33 weeks pregnant and have a 15 month old. Im just so tired and uncomfortable and over it i just want to relax whenever i can. My pelvis hurts . my legs , i do clean up and handle responsibilities of house and baby and still work part time. Well some days i dont want to be bothered. I felt like i had a long ass day, he gets home from work. Starts watching tv. I ask him to rub my leg he dont want to. I was so uncomfortable on the couch and daughter was playing and yelling i decided to go upstairs to relax in bed. He asks why am i going up. Not even five mins later he follows me with her and now he lays in bed while toddler destroys my bedroom. Anyway i just got annoyed that he always follows me around whatever im doing. Like let me have a break ! Dont constantly ask what am i doing and trace me every part of the day. Is it just me ?