severe back pain @27 weeks

just stepped into my 7th month of pregnancy this is my second child and my God my back pain is so awful I have to completely stop what I'm doing to get in a hot bath. I'm normally very pain tolerant but this knocks me on my hands and knees crying. worse then when i broke my hand type of pain. I see my doctor in 8 hours but I'm curious if this has happened to anyone else and what they ended up doing for you. I am high risk after a preterm labor scare a month ago my contractions start easily so I'm not supposed to be active I'm on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. this intense back pain is new to me though with my son I was working till i was 9 months pregnant, walking towork actually and i stayed on my feet for 8 hours a day. this is ridiculously painful to where I vomit from the intensity