feeling embarrassed and guilty

Well yesterday I had a scare.  I woke up and used the bathroom.  During that time I found pinkish discharge and little spots of blood.  I freaked out and ran to the hospital.  I thought I was dilating.  Turns out I was severely dehydrated and this was causing uterine irritability.  She checked for dilation and I am completely closed.  I had to be hooked up to an IV and contraction monitor.  From there my irritability movements weren't getting any better.  Since it wasn't getting better, they have me two terbutaline shots to help stop the irritability.  The irritability wasn't bad enough to go into pre term labor.  The doctor said if I wouldn't of came in today, it would've turned into pre term labor.  Almost like I was a step away from labor.  It worked but I made me feel like crap.  My heart was racing and my hands were shaking.  After those shots the movements stop and the baby's movements increased due to the iv. All in all had a sad nervous day at the hospital yesterday.  I feel so guilty because I was only drinking maybe two bottles of water a day and drinking more Gatorade than anything.  Baby is fine but now I feel like I let him down.  Now I'm scared he will come early.  Any advice?  34 weeks.