A rare sighting: my son put himself to sleep

Marisa • Momma to Rowan Maverick born 10-5-16 & Rhen Mason 11-28-18 💙
My son almost never falls asleep without an adults help. Either he falls asleep being held or while having a bottle. The only time he falls asleep without anything is in the car. He was playing along in his high chair and started to get fussy so I went out into the kitchen figuring it was about that time for a bottle... I make one up and was only in the kitchen maybe 3 minutes if that. I walk back into the other room and he was out. Moving him out of this chair and walking him down the hall into the bedroom and placing him into the crib was the hardest thing to do lol but he somehow stayed asleep! Hoping this means my little guy is slowly learning to put himself to sleep!