This Mother's Day has snuck up on me...

It's been 16 years this October since I lost my mom (I was 14 when she died traumatically and suddenly). She would have been 60 this May 16th. Having my mom's birthday and Mother's Day happen within weeks of each other is always hard, but this year it seems especially so. I really think that since my husband and I have been having trouble conceiving, I am more depressed and anxious than I should be. I have two close friends I usually talk about this stuff with, but one is going through PPD and the other one recently lost her mom, so I don't want to invade on their healing. I see a therapist, but I don't think she understands the frustration of seeing negatives every month and how it affects your self-esteem. I'm just venting, because I know that the only thing that would make me feel better is if I had my mom around to talk to about all this, and be able to ask her the questions I wished I had asked before I lost her. I feel so lonely...