
Aryel • Married to my best friend 💍💚 3yr old son👦
So I recently moved from Illinois to Texas and before I moved I was on my period and I was so focused on packing and stuff I basically forgot to take my pill. Well last week Tuesday my fiancé and me got to Texas and Wednesday we had sex... I hadn't taken my pill in well almost a week he did finish inside me.... I have been feeling cramps and have been gassy and on the toilet maybe three times a day... I don't know if it's just being constipated or signs of pregnancy.... I'm only 19... I'm not trying to have a kid right now(yes I'm young to be engaged n even to be having a kid). My fiancé and me have talked about it but neither of us has a job right now... we are living with my mom who I know would help but I'm just really scared. I know it is basically my fault because I wasn't taking pill but it's not like I was purposely not taking it. Now if I was still in Illinois with my grandparents I would be freaking out a lot more because my grandma has told me she would kick me out. And I don't get my period until maybe next week or two weeks... I do have friends who are pregnant and have asked them and they just say to be careful... help please.