Warning about pineapple core!

I have read on here many times about how eating pineapple core after ovulation could some how increase your chances of getting pregnant. I decided to give it a try and it did not go over well. I blended some  into my smoothies and maybe drink 4 or 5 sips. It just didnt taste rite so i stopped. Then later that day my throat start burning and was really irratating. I looked up what could be the cause and found that pineapple core contains a significant amount of a enzyme called bromelain which it also said many people could be senstive to or allergic causing throat to burn. I just figured i would let others know my experience with it. 
# i have been ttc for a few months after getting off bc. So any tips would be great. My cycles have been super long like last one was 84 days but i deffintly did ovulate on day 72. Now im on day 39.  Thx for any advice