HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH AN UNMOTIVATED RUDE 14 YEAR OLD 😩 she's been kicked out of therapy (which is never my first choice) I've tried reasoning, I've tried leaving her alone, I've tried being there to the point where I feel I'm helicoptering, I've tried being less strict with certain rules, I got her a phone, I've tried disciplining. NOTHING seems to be getting through to this child. She's failing school and doesn't care. Doesn't do drugs, doesn't have sex nor is she even into dating (yet 😣) but she just hates life. I give her everything she NEEDS and let her know that she has to work for the rest. (Computer, phone, etc) She keeps telling me to kill myself or that she will instead. She was very close to her dad and he's been in jail for quite some time now so I know that affects her some. She has contact with him every week. I don't know what to do and I'm worn out. She is my last daughter out of 4. I'm just tired 😞 
A very tired, almost hopeless mother.Â