Has anyone else had this problem?

Nessie • 💐
I was on the pill for about 3-4 years before coming off of it last year (ttc now). I noticed that my acne was very bad before starting it & my doctor told me it would also help clear my skin. It did in fact take most of my acne away. I still had maybe 1-2 bumps during my period & they was usually gone within a day or 2. I've been off of them for a year now & my acne is making me look completely awful again! I thought by now since I'm in my adult hood that I wouldn't be having acne like I did before when I was 15-16 (& younger). I use face pads & moisturizer every night & I just moisturize in the mornings so I don't dry out my face (I'm prone for getting dry skin). I have chronic hives & eczema so I'm pretty limited to what I can use. Is their anything I can take over the counter for this acne? I definitely feel like my skin routine needs to be revised. If you have similar skin to mine please recommend me things that could help with this! 
(it may not look that bad in picture, but i do have bumps all over my chin & forehead area that are very visible in person!) 

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