I woke up Wednesday morning at 5

I woke up Wednesday morning at 5.30 with constant pains and tightening me, didn't really think too much of it, made lunch and sent hubby to work and settled on the couch to watch some Tv before getting myself and our other 2 children ready for work and school.
After watching Rv for about 5 minutes I thought 'wow these pains are really starting to be very repetitive' so I decided to time them and see what was going on. 45 mins later I was having unbearable cramps and couldn't sit down due to the pain. I rang maternity they told me to eat breaky and come on in, seeing as the contractions were 3-5 minutes apart.
So I got the girls up, rang my hubby who sorted out the workers and sent his boss straight over to help do the school run. Hubby flew home and we left for the hospital at 7.55, arrived in the car park by 8.15.
As I stepped out of the car my waters broke and I was completely frozen, totally forgot how to walk, my hubby had to pull me to the front of the hospital where a midwife was waiting with a wheelchair. Once we were rushed up to the birthing suite everything happened so rapidly! We arrived in the birthing suite at 8.19 as I scrambled out of the wheel chair only to find I needed to push and my little baby girl was born at 8.21! 
It was a crazy fast delivery and I even sent the midwives into a spin with how fast everything happened! But I am so in love with my little babe! She is just perfect! She's a little bruised but that's just because she was in a rush to meet everyone!
Rylee Grace born May 10th at 8.21am weighing 7 pound 12oz, 51cms long at 39 weeks and 1 day!