makeup vent

I love watching women take control of their appearance and following their own style, but it's starting to feel like girls NEED to have immaculate eyebrows and layered eyeshadow and three layers of foundation on to be considered beautiful by others. And while I try to be strong and sure of myself, it sometimes feels like I am the only woman who chooses to not wear any makeup of any kind everyday. I know it's not true, but it's hard not to notice that 9 out of 10 women I pass everyday are wearing a shit ton of makeup. It's not that I don't care about my appearance, I just want to be able to leave the house without caking my face for an hour, and it's not a priority to me financially. I also hate that it's starting to be the norm to have to alter your appearance to such a degree; we as a society are past the point of just blush, mascara and lipstick and have started altering every aspect of our face. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.