TTC Rainbow Baby

Hi my name is Katie! I'm currently 18, turned in March. Since I was roughly 10 years of age I'd always wanted to have a baby, I even had two baby-alives and took them with me everywhere. At 14 I lost my virginity to someone who essentially ruined all future relationships with people. I ended up going on a sort-of sex craze to feel love and ended up sleeping with a lot of people that I don't even remember because I was on heavy medication that also made me drowsy to stop me from committing suicide. In January of 2015 I ended up becoming pregnant and I hadn't known I was. In March and April my nipples had started to leak and by the 14th of April I had severe cramps while in school during Math and then had heavy bleeding which at the time I thought was my period. The pain was so bad I had to ask my mum to take me home. The next day there was no bleeding. I was also very suicidal and three days later I attempted. I went to the mental hospital and my parents went through my room. A year later I told my mum I was planning on ttc and she told me that when they went through my room she found my pregnancy tests which were all positive and that's kind of how I found out I was pregnant and that I miscarried all in one moment. Now I'm 18 and in a healthy stable relationship with my first love that I've known for 7 years now and we are ttc my rainbow baby. It's super exciting.