the latest update on our journey

Well ladies, hubby and I are on month number 20 of trying for baby number 1 🙃🙄 
I have not had a period since February 20th, but have also not gotten a positive hpt. (When my mom was pregnant with me, she never got a positive hpt or blood test-so there's a chance!) I have called around town forever and couldn't get seen anywhere until the fall, because I'm a not pregnant new patient. But my mom went to her obgyn yesterday and they always talk about us kids, so when he got to me she kinda mentioned that we have been struggling and that we are getting more and more concerned. So he pulled out a card and wrote his personal cell number down and told her to give it to me to call, and he would see me next week!! He says it's unacceptable that we aren't getting our baby, and he's gonna do everything he can to get us pregnant. So I go Tuesday morning!! I'm so nervous and scared and excited, pretty much every emotion at this point, but we are getting somewhere finally!! My SIL and her husband were off BC for a week and she got pregnant, and announced it my husband's birthday weekend, so it has been an emotional time. We want our baby soooo bad, I hope he can help us. Please continue to pray for us, we want to be parents, I hope it happens soon. I honestly feel like a huge weight has been lifted knowing that we are getting in to see a specialist, and one who knows my family. 
This past weekend when we found out about his sister, I finally told my husband about the miscarriage I had the week that his Dad passed away. He took it surprisingly well, he told me he understands why I kept it so long and he's not mad that I didn't tell him. He just wishes that I wouldn't have had to deal with it alone all this time. But word has spread like wildfire, so not like literally everyone knows. (And understands why we were so upset last weekend) 
So super long post, I apologize for that. If you've kept with it this long just keep us in your thoughts and prayers through this next phase, and I will try to update as we know anything new. ❤❤🌈