Could I be pregnant?

My boyfriend have only had sex twice in the last month without anything. My period missed last time by about 2 days, which I have really never been someone who is irregular so that freaked me out.. But it came. Since then we had sex without anything about a week ago (which I think was the end of my fertility window, I don't know for sure) and now my period is going on 5 days late, I've never in all my life that I've had my period have EVER been more than 2 days late, ever. He says he doesn't remember doing anything in me but I'm cramping, have a headache, am super tired and this morning I started to spot a bit pinkish brown. All the tests I've taken, except for one, say negative, I've done two in the same day a few hrs apart, another two days later, and one this morning. One showed the possibility of two lines but I'm unsure if that was just the dye moving around because the second line disappeared after a while. I've felt like crying over stupid stuff the last few days. I'm not really stressed at all and I haven't changed much of anything in my routine.