how to get more intimate with a guy I like

I've recently started going out with this amazing guy who I really like. I feel that he likes me too as we're are going on our fourth date this week. My only concern is that we are both shy when it comes to being tactile. I feel like he wants to be more intimate because he keeps putting his arm around me and stroking my arm and he has given me two kisses (small kisses) so far. This was my first kiss so I'm completely inexperienced when it comes to romance and I know I can shy away from intimacy. I get the sense from him that he too wants to be more tactile but is shy about it as I can feel his arm slowly moving around my shoulder but it always takes him a while as though he is unsure of how I will react. I basically want to get to that point where we are holding hands and he will give me a longer kiss that's more intimate. I would really appreciate any advice on how to approach this and how to kiss for longer. Are there any other girls who have had this problem when they first started dating a shy guy?
I wouldn't approach this if I felt that he did not want to be tactile but I do get the sense he does. I'm afraid that if we don't become more intimate soon then we'll just end up friend-zoning each other.
Thank you for reading this and any advice will be much appreciated.