Is it possible?

So I had the Nexplanon implant inserted on December 7th 2016 and got it removed last week on May 3rd. My husband and I had sex the day before it was removed and I was told sperm stays in there for up to 5 days after?? My nurse told me I'm most fertile right after the removal and can ovulate right after. The past couple of nights I've been nauseous, especially tonight and I've been moody the last few days. TMI.. but I've had diarrhea for about  4 days now off and on. I've been cramping like I'm about to start, but haven't, which is how I was when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. My question is, is there any way I could be pregnant? If sperm stays alive for up to 5 days after sex and I'm "most fertile and can ovulate right after implant removal", could sperm have found it's way to an egg like that?? Sounds dumb for me to be asking, but I'm having pregnancy symptoms and just want some advice.(: TIA!!!