What's happening!!!!!????? (TMI Alert)

Ok so my bf and I have been ttc for 4 months this month and while he keeps saying that pur time will come I've just been getting down on myself more and more as the months pass. Well this time around I didn't even think about it being a baby dance, just honestly I gave up and just enjoyed our time together. Well here it is, over a week later after the bd and 6 dpo and I have....*ahem*....diarrhea (I told you tmi alert) and spotting both light pink and brown every morning for the last 4 days as of this morning. At first I thought it was my lactose intolerance acting up so I cut dairy out immediately, which then would resolve itself by the end of the day. But no! Day two...day three... and now day four... Af is 9 or so days away...i don't want to get my hopes up again... Has anyone experienced this as a normal part of their cycle? Or even as an early pregnancy sign? I just like to know that I'm not going crazy and that what ever it is, for which ever situation it may be, is normal and nothing to worry about. Like I said earlier I too early for af at the moment but if that day comes and goes I'm not gonna test until it's a week late anyway. I just need some clarification please. Thanks to all and baby dust and best wishes to everyone!