am not saying my pregnant but I'm not saying I'm not, I just feel very different this mont

I'm just going to write a list of how Ive been feeling since ovulation 😊 
•currently 10DPO. CD24 
BD day of and day after positive OPK 
•did the pineapple trick for 5 days after O (google quickly if your not sure what that is)
•most intense back pain to the point it's giving me stomach pains 
•Waves of nausea  
Edit: Nausea is worse this evening 
•breakouts but not spots just sort of red under the skin spots nothing you can pop 
•weird food cravings last week or so I've been craving gherkins never eaten them ever in my life and could of eaten dozens of bacon sandwiches yesterday and this morning when smelt it cooking.....I'm a vegetarian so that's weird 😬
•decreased appetite only eating coz I need to no desire for food unless it's gherkins 🙄
• Extreme tiredness literally can't be arsed to move 95% of the day 
•sore nipples (not boobs) quite tender to touch
•areole seems darker than normal I've noticed my old nipple piercing scars more profound and literally nipples are standing to attention like bloody soldiers for no reason 
•noticed a few montgomery tubercules (think I've spelled that right) the small goosebump like things around the areole 
•uncomfortable feeling when me and my SO was fooling around 2 days ago when he was let's just say rummaging around in there and not to be TMI but I wasn't exactly a dry biscuit if you get what I'm saying and I can't say I've felt like that before 
•noticed a more white creamy discharge 
•mood swings like no ones business 
I'm fully aware these can just be symptoms of AF but I thought I'd write them down just to see if anyone has had these and got a BFP 😁
Edit: last night around 5pm I started having the worst back pain and cramping this lasted till about 8pm nausea like nothing before literally couldn't eat anything only went off by me sitting crossed legged rocking slowly (R to L) 
Woke up this morning not to bad felt abit sick bcoz I haven't been able to eat the night before so the last thing I ate was at 2:45pm. I've actually realised I haven't had a poo in 2 days which isn't normal for me I'm quite regular, my stomach is making gurgling noises and feeling like bubbles popping, my nipples are still quite sore to touch. ☹️