Period cups?

I want to hear your opinions about period cups!
For me, it was a life changing experience. It first saved me when I went to a music festival and didn't want the hassle with tampons in those dirty public toilets. With the cups I didn't even need to change.
Second time it was a life saver when me and my bf went on a wellness weekend and even thou I counted and planned, my meds f.cked up my period so it came right at the hotel. But with the cups I had no problem going into pools and hot tubs and saunas. Actually, sauna was really great for cramps.
On regular periods, the cups just give me freedom. Like I can actually forget that I'm on my period, even on heavier days. Plus I love the fact that it's good for the envoirement, my wallet and last but not least my health. Win-win.

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