So the rite aid pharmacy by me gave me misinformation. I was told by the guy who gave me my box of patches that it was three months quality when it was really only one month. I ran out quick due to mistakes (no one is perfect) and then I went in the day I needed them and couldn't get any. (There was a no refil label on the bottom, thought it was a mistake) So the next day (today) I went and called the office (had to call like 6 times before I reached someone) and told them to give me a refil. So they did, I went in, they checked and I think they had it, but if I wanted to get it that day I would have had to pay $104!!! REALLY???? It costs that much to protect and regulate my hormones?? I also told them about the guy who prescribed me the medication, and they said the guy must have thought that one box of patches was for 3 months. I didn't ask what my doctor prescribed, but if the guy thought that one box was for three months and I was prescribed 3 months then I only got one months worth! I should have asked what the doctor prescribed but I didn't, next time I'm going to though. I swear, every male pharmacist should read about birth control. Anyways it doesn't matter now because I have today called the nurses office like 7 times and switched over to the pill. Hopefully this time this doesn't happen again and I'm going to open it before I take it home and find out I only got one months supply. And what's the deal with this whole no refil thing? I wish it could be like okay so you're on the pill, when you run out you come back in and get more and the refil never expiers or expiers in a year or so, like do health insurance companies control the amount of refil until you have to call in? Or can I actually go and tell my doctor that I want three months supply? And how do you find out if your insurance covers that? Just wondering has this ever happened to anyone else? Also today when I called in to refil my prescription they told me they would prescribe a year's worth and rite aid only got 3 months prescription still! Why is everything hidden? Why can't this just be simple, affordable, and hassle free?? If anyone else has had this experience, please share advice on what you did to fix this problem? And even if someone hasn't heard of this happening, any advice is welcome! I just feel so confused and lied to :(