feel preggo

I had last depo injection Nov 23 2016 and i went through the breakthrough bleeding and spotting all the time. March 13 I got my first normal so i thought cycle lasted 7 days than april i experienced breakthrough bleedin and a light period lasted 3 weeks. Light spotting. Finally done spotting but me and my bf have been having sex normally not to get pregnant we just dnt use precaution. In future i do want one. I know depo makes you feel pregnant. I have taken blood test in beginning of April negative. And lately I just been feeling like my stomach insides have been feeling all movemnents of digestion, gas, and past week or so i felt like i had felt sumn but negative urine test i took. And no heavy bleeding i have been takin womens dietary supplement vitamins to get body back. Any advice? Also after period in march i had experienced a clear glob of mucous thinkn its back to normal.