poem on how im feeling.. i have no one who understands me


God answers so many of my little prayers,

so why not the big ones too?

I just can't understand it

Why does He do the things he decides to do?

My deepest desire lies unfullfilled

I feel so hopeless inside

I know I should be thankful

and not so full of pride.

I ask God every day

for this or that, you know, little things.

And when He answers so clearly

my heart just really sings.

But in those deep, pondering moments

When I ask for the desire of my heart,

I get no clear answer

and then my tears start,

Oh God, I want a baby

to hold and kiss and love

I know that You alone can give me

that blessing from above.

I keep waiting, waiting, waiting

and my patience grows to despair.

Oh why can't I have a baby?

For nothing else I truely care.

I know You haven't forgotten me

for better things to do

because You answer all my little prayers,

I just wish You'd fulfill my big one, too.