Is it true that pacifiers do colics to the babies?

My baby is having colics and she cry alot but she had a pacifier and people Tell me that pacifier make alot of colics. Help me please i can't see my baby cry 😭 
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No. A pacifier doesn't cause colic. I've had 2 babies with colic. Nobody really knows what causes it. There have been many "ideas" but nobody can say for sure. I'm sorry you are dealing with this. Just remember, it's only temporary. And it will pass as suddenly as it started. If anything, the pacifier would help, bc the more they cry, the more they swallow air, which results in more gas, as babies swallow air when their crying.Has the dr said it was colic? I know it can be hard to know for sure unless everything else has been ruled out. We thought our 4 week old was colicky, but learned he has silent reflux and was put on medicine. There are some things that can help soothe a baby with colic, but the only thing that will take it away, Is time. Our one son had it until 12 weeks. Our daughter was a little longer. I know how overwhelming it is, so just keep reminding yourself that it is temporary, and take time our FOR YOU. For YOUR own health and well being. It does, and will get better. And it's worth repeating-pacifiers don't cause or contribute to colic.


Genny • May 20, 2017
Omg thank you so much 😊 i hope it works for her 😊😊 thank you


Ashley • May 20, 2017
we tried gas drops and thought they didnt work. then the dr said double the dose. and we give them with EVERY feeding. and... its helped some! so they sit out, so we remember to give them at every feeding. its worth a try! also ive heard of sugar water, but never tried it yet. as well as peppermint water. theres also ways to hold and carry around a baby with colic. look it up on youtube.


Ashley • May 20, 2017
aww sweetie im sorry. do you have help, someone that can help you out during her episodes? often colic does start around the same time of day, and lasts for 3 or more hours. often in the evening or middle of night, BUT, doesnt have to. are there days when she isnt crying to that extent? or has it been everyday like that? have you tried gripe water and gas drops uet


Posted at
Omg im literalllllly going threw the same an im trying the gripe water it helps but only for a few an he cries an cries i need more help an ideas but natural remedies


Ashley • May 21, 2017
try to swaddle, tightly.then hold baby tight against you.kind of on babys side & their head on your chest. dim the lights or may even need it to be dark,and use a "womb" sound (found on youtube or in an app) OR..your LO may like a diff sound.i use the app called "baby sleep instant" and it has the womb sound, heartbeat,and a bunch more.) and remember if you try the gas drops, give before (or with) EACH feeding. like i said before, we thought they didnt work. gave up on them. THEN... i decided to try again and give with each feeding.and it has made a difference, but be patient with the drops. also, gripe water didnt do much for us, BUT... it does for many ppl. I probably wasnt giving it often enough.Also, skin-to-skin can help. strip baby to diaper, and you to your bare chest.Do skin to skin when baby is upset AND when NOT upset. Also.. sometimes wearing baby in a sling or carrier in the 1st few weeks (and longer!) can reduce crying. ALSO... look up the "I love you" tummy massage on youtube. AND (foot) reflexology for colic/Gas. i believe they both help my little guy. the reflexology one is a korean women showing how to do it on an infant girl & explains how it helps their bellies. (colic can cause gas bc they swallow air when crying) Sorry so long, im just tryin 2 help. these are all the things we do/have tried when Liam (4weeks) started his crying at 3 weeks. (have you watched "The period of PURPLE crying?) If not, I suggest you view it on youtube.


Genny • May 20, 2017
I know my baby girl is only two weeks and she cries and cries and doesn't go to sleep 😴 😭