Hearing baby movements with a stethoscope ?

Alicia • 21 . TTC 2 years . Waiting to hold my angel babies . Gold star spouse ⭐️ . Holding on tight to the man of my dreams .
Wondering if this is possible. I'm 9&6 with my 8th pregnancy, first with a heartbeat and movement (on ultrasound) ! I dug out my stethoscope from nursing school (Littman Classic II SE) and decided to see if I could hear movement - NOT heartbeat, just to clarify. Anyone know if the swishing and occasional thump I'm hearing is baby movements ? I know how to use a stethoscope, no it's not my heartbeat, and I know where my uterus sits, I'm just not familiar with prenatal *care* ☺️
Have any of you tried ? What do you think ?