I took my son in the other day for a fever that wouldn't go down. 104.5. He slept that night. The checked for the flu, strep, and pneumonia which all were negative, although he has the beginning stages of bronchitis. Although he hasn't been coughing. 
He barely ate yesterday but had a lot of fluids. 
Today, he drank some milk and had a banana. But is now refusing to eat or drink since this morning. 
He hasn't had a fever since this morning but has been sweating profusely. 
His nose is NOT badly clogged nor is he congested. 
He won't stop crying...I don't know what to do for him to comfort him. I already called the doc and they told me to not bring him back until he is worse. That at the moment it sounds like he may either be getting better or something else may be coming but it's too early to tell 
I just need to know how to get him to stop crying. 
Please help!!!!