Baby seems different

Idk why, my baby will me 7 months on the 25th, she has been fussy lately I thought she was teething but still no signs of a tooth, last night I found her sleeping face down and it scared me because she never does that, she literally had her face in the bed and idk why. Then today for a nap she also slept on her stomach but her face was to the side. She's been waking up 4 or 5 times at night and she has been waking up before 7 now instead of waking up around 8 or 830. I'm planning on maybe taking her in to make sure she doesn't have an ear infection but she's not really showing any signs of one except that she's had her hand around her ear. She's been gnawing on things sometimes like something is bothering her. Idk I just feel like she has changed and I can't tell if it's a growth spurt or a leap or teething, just something is off