My teacher is bullying me?!

So I have had the same art teacher for the past three years of high school, and will have her next year. I have two classes with her this year (on different days, we do block scheduling) And I've never been sure whether she likes or hates me. She's singled me out a few times and was a little mean to me about my ex-boyfriend, but hey, she was right about him.
But lately things have just gotten bad. Starting a few days ago, on the B day class I am not aloud to speak nor sit with my friends. My friends, because they were with me, are not being treated fairly either to my understanding since "they weren't working hard because they were by saoirse". When I got sent to the other room, another friend laughed (whom I don't sit by) and they got yelled at saying "don't stoop to her level." And on that day, she got very frustrated that I didn't have enough blue in my piece and made me restart some of it, and got very mad for ruining a paintbrush, which I only frizzed up a little. I spent a lot of this crying as I have severe depression and don't react well to situations like these. I had several panic attacks just thinking about going back to the art room. (I am in therapy to get this treated, but this was very unexpected)
On A days, for now, I am not aloud to speak, but I think if I speak I'll get kicked out again. She used to be kinda nasty to my friends in the A day class, but since I wasn't aloud to  talk, she was rather pleasant to them. When a friend asked if I was really mot allowed to talk, she replied with yes, because it is too distracting.
I've never been thought of as a bad kid before. I'm not sure what to do, a few friends and other students have come to me and asked if I was okay, as she did do all this very loudly and in front of the whole class. And I really haven't been, it has taken a huge impact on my mental health and my want to go to school. I am just very lost on what to do, but here are my options. For background, I have emailed another teacher without naming names or depth, and we are talking monday, and she gave me her phone number in case of an emergency or if I need to talk
1) Talk directly to the teacher or have my mom email her. I don't see this as a valid option as I am not allowed to speak in her room, and last time my mom emailed her (for an issue my freshman year- I'm a junior now. To sum up, I was given a needs improvement in citizenship for talking too much whilst none of my table did or any of the people I talk to.) It went poorly, and she called me a distraction to the whole class
2) Talk to the school counsler. I see this as best currently, to review more options and see if there is any way I can be taken out of art, although there most likely is not, due to the nature of my school (I go to a specialized program where you must take an art or psych all four years but you can't start psych till junior year. It also has to be the same art)
3) Leave my school. I don't want to do this, since I am so close to graduating and have worked to hard  to get to where I am.
What would you all do? I am, of course, going to talk to the teacher I trust. I'm just so lost and it has thrown me off very badly, I was physically unable to talk for a whole 12 hours due to it a few days ago. 
So, to wrap up, am I overreacting, is my teacher bullying me, and what should I do?