Could bartholin cysts mean pregnancy!?? update

I have a four month old and keep getting what I'm pretry certain are bartholin cysts. I drained the last one at home and now another is back again and I can't get it to pop. I keep reading that you just need to take baths LOL how does one do that with a baby who HAS to be held 24/7!? I'm in SO much pain and it's making me in such a bad mood. I've managed to take 2 15 minute baths with Epsom salts, oatmeal and/or tea tree oil & have been keeping it clean and putting on tea tree oil but it's getting bigger and more painful by the day. I reallyyy do not want to go to the doctor. What causes these things?? I never had them pre-baby. How can I get rid of it fast?! It's making me crazy..
Update! So after like 2 weeks & finally trying calamine lotion mixed with castor oil, witch hazel & tea tree oil, it burst and the pain has gone down each day. There is still a small bump there just like with the first one. I was sooo happy BUT I can now feel a new one forming on the other side!!! WTF. Why does this keep happening?? I've been sexually actively since I was a teen and never had this. I'm now married & positive it's not STI related. With a 4 month old we don't even have time to have sex very often and we obviously haven't done it in weeks because of the cyst. So why is there a new one? My period was missed this month (I've had 2 since baby was born). I am breastfeeding so I figured that's why I missed it but now I'm wondering if it could be a pregnancy symptom? We use condoms every time but I'm not on b.c.