mom guilt- need some reassurance

My LO sleeps in her crib now- she's exactly 5 months old. So we have a video monitor that's next to our night stand. We can hear everything- and she's very good at letting us know when she needs us. Yesterday morning around 2, we could hear that she went poop. She usually goes 3 times in a row so we wait about 10 minutes before we  change her. While we were waiting we both fell asleep. When I woke up about 30 minutes later- she was fast asleep. I thought to myself- if she's uncomfortable she'll let us know- because she does all of the time. But she didn't wake up until 5:30. So she was in her poopy diaper for about 3.5 hours and I feel horrible. Her butt didn't seem irritated when I changed her. Has this happened to anyone else? I just need some reassurance that this would have happened to someone else.