I look completely pregnant.


...but I'm not. All the fat in my whole body is on my stomach. I am around 170 at 5 foot 3 and I know if I ever got pregnant like this, I would look no different. Does ANYONE else have this problem? The rest of my body is relatively skinny and I have NO boobs. And the boobs that I do have are tubular. I sound like such a catch.

I posted this because everyone on here seems so nice, and I don't have any real friends. My boyfriend isn't much help either. Im trying really hard to eat healthy and walk or run once a day, but it isn't the first time. I know at 103lbs I have an ALMOST flat tummy. It just hurts to see this in the mirror every day when Ive tried and failed so many times. On top of that I have crippling anxiety and depression from the anxiety plus life and am now on no meds except a beta blocker to calm palpitations from anxiety.

There's no easy way, is there... 😔😧